Feb 28 2023 – Feb 28 2023
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Why Attend?
Identity is foundational to cybersecurity and the running of your business — from remote work to customer access. Conventional approaches to identity and access management (IAM) are no longer sufficient as organizations operate in an escalating threat environment in which the perimeter has become porous and zero trust is no longer optional.
Adopting an identity-first security mindset means putting identity-based controls at the heart of your organization’s protection architecture and
MEF once again will take centre stage in Theatre 4 Hall 7 on Tuesday 28th Feb from 15:00 for its members, with the Future of Mobile Summit.
Audiences will traverse through a ‘Vision for the future of personal data and identity management and a new path to value’ to the Future of Identity and Authentication, and onto the Future of Messaging. We stop briefing to explore Connectivity and then onto how the investment community is looking at the mobile opportunity. The Future of Numbers will be followed by The Future of Subscriptions, and then we’ll learn how to Protect your Media spends from being eaten by bots. We complete the Summit with a glimpse into the Future of our industry, where we end with a celebratory toast to the Future!
JP Morgan Chase, Bloomberg Intelligence, iProov, Rakuten Viber, mFilterIt, Lanck Telecom, XConnect, Hot Telecom & Bango will deliver incredible thought-leadership Sessions with phenomenal speakers and experts in their respective fields.The theatre only seats 150 so make sure to secure your ticket. Networking, Video interviews, Expo, Q&A, Refreshments, and a celebratory toast to the Future at the end, all packed into one afternoon. The Summit will close at 19:00.
iProov will be at the Future of Mobile Summit on our booth in the main expo area. Come and discuss the future of Mobile and how Biometrics will play a key role.