Use Cases

Biometric Verification For Digital Identity

Digital identity refers to the digitized information that is used to identify an individual online. According to the World Bank, countries extending full digital identity coverage to their citizens could unlock value equivalent to 3 to 13 percent of GDP by 2030.

iProov secures the onboarding and authentication of digital identities through science-based face biometrics – so people have easier online access to online services, while organizations can pursue digital transformation strategies as securely as possible.


Discover how iProov can power
your organization

Promote digital inclusion, streamline processes, and reduce opportunities for corruption and fraud.

Reduce Impact and Cost of Fraud

To prevent identity fraud, effective identity verification measures are crucial. iProov confirms that an individual is the right person, a real person, and authenticating at that moment. This technology safeguards digital identities against online fraud and spoof attacks.

Minimize Losses to Corruption and Exclusion

Fraud and corruption can significantly hinder a country’s economic development. Securely implemented digital identity can promote digital inclusion and help to automate government procedures, in turn streamlining processes and reducing the opportunities for corruption.

Promote Digital Inclusion With Convenient Biometric Technology

Digital identity providers must ensure the right people get the funds and services they’re entitled to with minimum friction. iProov technology is inclusive by design, enabling convenient digital access to all, irrespective of age, literacy, or capabilities.

iProov check orange sm Right Person      iProov check orange sm Real Person       iProov check orange sm Right Now

Why iProov?

  • Expand Reach With Industry-Leading Inclusivity And Convenience

    iProov solutions are deviceless, and only require a device with a front-facing camera and internet connection, making it accessible to maximum number of users . Our technology complies with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.2 AA and section 508 for improved accessibility. Individuals can authenticate from anywhere with comfortable user engagement, natural posing, and camera positioning – maximizing inclusivity and accessibility.

  • Minimize Risk Through Strong Identity Assurance

    iProov’s solution binds a digital identity to a government-trusted ID document, delivering a high level of assurance that a remote user is real and genuinely present. Our technology is independently certified to the highest international standards for biometric verification and authentication and verified by the UK, Singapore, and Australian governments as part of their National Due Diligence. Organizations and individuals can be confident their information is kept private and protected from identity theft.

  • Futureproof Security With Unrivaled Attack Detection

    iProov science-based technology is proven by third-party testing to detect and prevent the most advanced threats, including deepfakes, digital injection, and other AI-generated attacks. Our science-based liveness detection is underpinned by active threat management that detects emerging threats in real-time and drives continuous algorithmic updates – supported by threat intelligence experts around the clock.

  • Tailored, Seamless Integration

    Our lightweight, cutting-edge SDK means that all liveness detection functionality is built-in. iProov is a fully managed and cloud-hosted service – integration is technologically simple and fully supported by our customer success (CS) professionals to ensure maximum performance and usability. Your CS manager will execute an ongoing success plan, with quarterly business reviews and reports to continually improve business outcomes.

The Threat of Deepfakes to Remote Identity Verification Systems

Hear iProov Founder and CEO, Andrew Bud, discuss the huge impact deepfakes have on remote IDV systems in this live interview from CyberRisk Alliance

Lean on proven experience with iProov. Read our case study.

iProov is one of the few biometric vendors with real-world Digital Identity deployment – we have existing involvement with large-scale, cross-border digital identity schemes and can demonstrate tangible applications in production.

CASE STUDY : Govtech singapore

Singapore Government Delivers National Digital Identity programme with iProov

Millions of Singaporeans can now access digital government services online using facial verification from iProov. Activities such as completing a tax return can now be completed with a simple facial biometric scan, replacing the need to remember passwords.

“People can now choose to update their Smart-ID from the comfort of their own homes or offices. The benefits to the citizen are enormous – great convenience, a simple user experience, and trust in the security of the service.”

CEO, SK ID Solutions

Kavel Pihl

Why Biometric Face Verification?

By linking customers to their trusted ID, you open up opportunities for digital transformation and ongoing security across different online services – maintaining trust through every touchpoint.

Automate onboarding processes while mitigating risk, supporting KYC and AML compliance, thwarting sophisticated attacks like Synthetic Identity Fraud, and reducing abandonment.


Deliver secure, user-friendly authentication by replacing outdated knowledge-based and possession-based technologies with inherence factors, ensuring users are who they say they across interactions.

Enable individuals to securely manage and reuse their digital identities across multiple services, promoting privacy and control over personal data.

Allow users to securely recover their identity if they lose access to their account or device, without the need for complete re-enrollment or speak to a contact center.

iProov Biometric Solution Suite

Get started today by selecting the solution suite for your organization.


“I want to onboard new users”


“I want to authenticate my existing users”



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