Gartner Market Guide for User Authentication
iProov is providing complimentary access to our website visitors to read the 2023 Gartner® Market Guide for User Authentication.
According to Gartner, “User authentication is a cornerstone of digital identity and identity first security. Identity Access Management (IAM) focused SRM leaders should seek toolsets that minimize account takeover risk and optimize employee and customer user experience as part of a cohesive cybersecurity strategy that reflects human-centric design.”>br >
Download the latest Gartner Market Guide for User Authentication to learn more on;
- The interest in passwordless authentication to enhance user experience or mitigate account takeover risks.
- Attacks against multifactor authentication (MFA) methods are driving interest in phishing-resistant MFA, robust identity verification for account recovery.
- How user authentication is increasingly aligning and overlapping with account takeover prevention and other analytic tools.
- Plus, more…
(function (){
var invalidDomains = ["@gmail.","@yahoo.","@hotmail.","@live.","@aol.","@outlook.", ""];
MktoForms2.whenReady(function (form){
var email = form.vals().Email;
if(!isEmailGood(email)) {
var emailElem = form.getFormElem().find("#Email");
form.showErrorMessage("Must be Business email.", emailElem);
function isEmailGood(email) {
for(var i=0; i < invalidDomains.length; i++) { var domain = invalidDomains[i]; if (email.indexOf(domain) != -1) { return false; } } return true; } })();
Gartner, Market Guide for User Authentication, Ant Allan, James Hoover, Robert Pimentel 23 August 2023. Gartner is registered trademark and servicemark of Gartner, Inc and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally, and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved.