Flexible Authentication

Flexible Authentication from iProov enables an organization to apply different levels of face verification assurance levels and security when a user is interacting with a digital platform.

For example, if a user is enrolling for the first time and is unknown to the organization, a higher level of biometric face verification assurance and security may be required to check that the user is indeed who they claim to be. 

If the user then returns at a later date to carry out a low-risk activity, a lower level of biometric face verification security can be applied. If they need to make a payment or other higher-risk task, step-up authentication using increased security can be easily applied.

iProov offers Flexible Authentication by combining the two technologies below:

The benefits of using one vendor to provide risk-adaptive face verification include:

  • A consistent user interface to minimize user confusion and increase reassurance
  • A single compact SDK integration saves time, minimizes app size, and drives operational efficiency
  • Simplified procurement with one vendor delivering the range of assurance levels needed to meet changing risk or business demands

An example of an iProov Flexible Authentication journey:

  • Step 1: An organization decides to ask new users to verify their identity using Dynamic Liveness – this delivers the highest possible level of assurance to protect the organization and its users against new account fraud, identity theft, and synthetic identity use.
  • Step 2: When the user returns to complete a low-risk task, for example checking the status of a transaction, they are authenticated using Express Liveness. LA’s lower ceremony experience provides effortless authentication quickly, reassuring the organization its the right and real person returning, whilst providing the appropriate security for this scenario. 
  • Step 3: The user then decides to make a large transaction to a new payee. This is a high-risk action, so the bank invokes Dynamic Liveness once again to ensure that the user is who they claim to be and by creating a one-time biometric ensure the engagement is happening right now in real-time, and not a replay of a previous authentication.

Secure authentication needs to be flexible to provide the right level of assurance while making the process effortless for the user. Flexible Authentication from iProov provides organizations with the versatility to apply the appropriate authentication method for each transaction according to the risk of the activity.

Flexible Authentication Resources

 Webpage: Flexible Authentication